Ways I am learning to become my favorite artist:

Have you found your Style yet? I think I have...

At the end of Angela's interactive Watercolor class, she challenged us to... Find our watercolor workout routine.

I liken it to a gym where you are able to work out your creative muscles. (I got that from a jean Haines book, World of Watercolor) from Angela's reading recommendation.

 I am, at a Cross Roads. Angela mentioned she was impressed with the piece I shared on her class forum. And said, Isn't it nice to have found your style? I am on to bigger and better things than just "learning" the techniques at this point.  Although there is always more to learn, and I am always learning watercolor! A HUGE TURNING POINT FOR ME!

Recycling an old painting.!
As a way to build my skills and paint how I want to and how I feel, I want to share with you my watercolor workout routine, catered to me! (eventually, you find your routine too!)

1. Play with your colors, play with washes, and line. But come into your painting session ready to play and learn about color.

2. Use old paintings to learn from:  There are two schools of thoughts about this. 1. use your old paintings and draw on them with pen and ink, use sharpies, or ink to draw lines. When I did that, the paintings came a live and I felt like I was releasing my own creativity! the 2nd part is repainted the same thing over and over. I have a mental picture of a grove of trees in my mind. It's in early May, spring was evident. I don't need the reference photo since I remember it so well in my mind, I got the composition planned out now I just have to keep painting it, big and small, in different color schemes to see what way I like it best.

3. TRUST THE PROCESS. Ok, this is more of a mindset to help you continue in your watercolor journey, but it's a powerful statement that catapulted me into a watercolor study. TRUST your heart that it is telling you to go and do!

4. The power of Washes. Yes, when you don't know what to paint, or even if you have an idea of what to paint you can start with a color or a line, and that will spark a painting, or at least an idea.
Trust the process, let your heart be your guide.

5. Smile or Cry while you paint. One of my most emotional painting experiences while on this Watercolor self-discovery course was painting from my heart. I wanted to give my Grandma something wonderful that I created for my grandpa's funeral. So I let the emotions take me where I needed to go while painting a floral piece for her. It had a lot of emotion in that painting. It was beautiful! I cherish that experience and am grateful for my Montra: Creativity is meant to be shared with the world. Sharing your story, or your feelings from your heart does make or break a painting.

I love that Angela has so much knowledge to help me and her watercolor students find their own style and find what makes their heart sing.

Here are some other paintings that have helped shaped my style. With the corresponding lesson associated with it. You may want to visit Angela's classes she has her watercolor mastery class starting April 12, 2019. I highly recommend Watercolor Mastery if you are wanting to learn more about how to become your favorite artist!

recreating a painting from a Master (love this and learned so much!)

rainswept landscape from memory A really fun lesson!

Self Portrait lesson (I secretly loved this lesson)

sketching with watercolor pencils lesson

keep it simple, see what happens lesson

washes with negative painting 

playing with color and line.

 As you can see I am really enjoying the process of playing around with watercolor, and it brings me a sense of joy and peace in my life but also in my family's lives as well.

If you want to find your style, find who you are again, I recommend taking Angela's Watercolor Mastery class. all skill levels are there, I love it because it's interactive, You can ask questions and Angela will respond if needed.

Or sign up for Angela's free class to see if her style fits how you would like to paint someday.

Give yourself a watercolor class that will stay in your heart forever, she is one of the best watercolor teachers online, I love how much I have learned and trusted in the process of making art! Thanks' Angela for that!

~Affliated with Angela Fehr, when you click on the links you are supporting my blog and my art.~
